WorkPackage 1
Determination/update of different types of regional rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence based on daily rainfall series available on a grid cell basis (20 km). For the BeSafeSlide regional study areas of Arruda dos Vinhos and Santa Marta de Penaguião rainfall series with a minimum of 30 years (1950 – 2008) were used (TASK 1)
Computation of different rainfall thresholds: (i) antecedent rainfall quantity-duration threshold (linear and potential regression), (ii) lower limit and upper limit rainfall thresholds (TASK 1)
Update of historical and event-based regional landslide inventory maps and development of the data-driven landslide susceptibility models (TASK 2)
Development of physically-based static and dynamic landslide susceptibility models considering different types of landslides (TASK 2)
Identification of susceptibility and hazard hotspots (TASK 2)
WorkPackage 2
Installation of the two BeSafeSlide project rain gauges (BSS1 and BSS2) along two major landslide pone areas in Portugal: BSS1 in the north of Lisbon (Grande da Pipa River basin, Arruda dos Vinhos) and BSS2 in Santa Marta de Penaguião municipality (Douro valley). BSS1 and BSS2 are operational since June and May 2019, respectively. The rainfall is monitored for both study areas based on an ftp data transfer protocol that allows receiving daily/hourly/10 minutes’ rainfall data records continuously (TASK 5)
WorkPackage 4
Development and update of the BeSafeSlide project website which intends to disseminate the landslide early warning low cost soft technology prototype set of methodologies, concept and guidelines/publications to scientific and non-scientific community (TASK 11)